Summer Institute 2025 - Details

More about Summer Institute 2025


Teacher Strands and Daily Schedule

Stay tuned for more details on course content and instructor lineup. 

Summer Institute Costs 

Regular Adult Participation 
$1,300 per person plus room and board fees (listed below) if you choose to stay on campus 

We will have limited partial sponsorships for elders who support community language efforts and who could otherwise not attend. Please contact us for more information.   

UO Housing Costs 

These costs are for participants staying in UO housing, for 6 nights (arrive Sunday, leave Saturday). They include three meals a day, towels, bedding, and a private bath. 
Single Occupancy for 6 nights  (Sunday June 23 – Saturday June 29) $657 per person ($109.50/night) 

Double Occupancy for 6 nights (shared room) (Sunday June 22 – Saturday June 28) $555 per person ($92.50/night) 
*must provide roommate’s name, and both must stay/pay for 6 nights   

Parking Costs 

Overnight Permit Coming soon (2024 rate was $45) Daytime Permit Coming soon (2024 rate was $40)     

Lunch Costs (If not staying at UO Housing) 

If you will not be staying in UO Housing and want to eat with the group, you can pre-order a daily lunch (6 days) for $90 total. There are also options nearby for lunch. $90 ($15/day for 6 days)   

Total Costs For a person attending, staying in the dorm in a single room for 6 nights, and parking on campus costs (pending final parking rates) are: $1,300+$657+$55 (estimate!) = $2012