Summer Institute 2022

Image Summer Institute 2022 Poster
Summer Institute 2022

Some of the TRaiLS Presenters/Discussion Starters: (Dates and titles of talks to come)

  • Me’-lash-ne (Loren Bommelyn – Tolowa Dee-ni’)
  • Phillip Cash-Cash (Weyiiletpuu and Niimiipuu (Cayuse/Nez Perce))
  • Dr. Kauanoe Kamanā and Dr. William Wilson (Hawaii)
  • Sheilah Nicholas (Hopi)
  • Patsy Whitefoot (Yakama)
  • Jeff Mercier and Jedd Schrock (Grand Ronde)
  • Allyson Alvarado (Yakama, U Oregon Grad Student)
  • Dr. Janne Underriner and Tony Johnson (Co-founders NILI)

Common Questions about NILI Summer Institute 2022

What are the dates for Summer Institute, 2022?

June 21 to July 1

What are the dates for additional courses that will be offered after Summer Institute?

July 11-August 26

Will NILI be meeting in person in Summer 2022?

No. Due to lingering health issues from the pandemic, NILI made the decision to protect elders and vulnerable populations by staying with purely online offerings this summer. Our aim is to make those courses as rich and engaging as possible. We hope to return to offering in person programming again next summer.

What will NILI offer in Summer 2022?

We have several things going on for 2022.June 21-July 1 we will have two separate opportunities:

  • The Tuxámshish Revitalization Learning Series (TRaiLS – formerly known as LRLS) which will be daily presentations and conversations led by experts from Native communities each day 12-1:15pm PDT (9am Hawai’i standard; 11am Alaska; 1pm Mountain; 2pm Central; 3pm Eastern)
  • Additionally, there will be two Summer Institute courses during this time:  1) Teaching your Language Online (mornings 9-10:30am PDT) and 2) Assessment (afternoons 3:00-4:30pm PDT). 

    Participants can register for one, two or even all three if they don’t mind being on the computer all day.

July 11-August 26 opportunities: 
We will also offer two courses July 11- Aug 26: 1) Digital Language Revitalization, and 2) Linguistic Analysis of Archival Material for Pedagogy.

Is there a limit on size?

The Tuxámshish Revitalization Learning Series (TRaiLS) will be capped at 120 participants. Teaching your Language Online, Assessment, and Digital Language Revitalization will be capped at 25 participants to ensure quality. Linguistic Analysis of Archival Material for Language Teaching and Learning will be offered to a limited group of individual participants or language teams by invitation/permission of the instructor (please email us if you are interested in learning more).

Do participants go through a registration/selection process?

Yes, there will be a registration process, but no selection process for most classes (the Linguistic Analysis class will be by invitation). It will be first come, first served once we get the announcements out and the registration page up.

Since it is online do the courses meet live or could it be done at our leisure?

During the two weeks of Summer Institute, Teaching your Language Online and Assessment will have a daily, live (synchronous) component. Courses are intended for those who can commit to attend all (or almost all) live sessions.The July 11-Aug 26 courses (post Summer Institute) will have “at your own pace” (asynchronous) components with instructor support throughout. Digital Language Revitalization will be completely asynchronous and at your own pace. Linguistic Analysis of Archival Materials for Language Teaching and Learning will begin and close with group meetings with the remainder self-paced with plenty of opportunity for one on one engagement with the instructor.

Is there any cost involved?

TRaiLS is offered on a sliding scale from $0-$100 so it is accessible to all. The other courses will have a nominal cost of $50 per participant. We have generous funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) with an ARP grant which allows us to offer this nominal pricing structure.