NILI Summer Institute 2020
Language Revitalization Learning Series
June 15-26
Thank you for a Successful Summer Institute with the LRLS!
With over 450 people registered and up to 130 participants taking part in the live sessions we had the largest and most linguistically diverse Summer Institute in our history. We will continue to develop online learning opportunities that serve the Language Revitalization community.
You can view a youtube playlist of all of the archived LRLS presentations here.
You can view a resource list compiled from the LRLS here.
Information on the Language Revitalization Learning Series
With support from the National Endowment for the Humanities, NILI is offering the LRLS free of charge.Registration for LRLS is now closed with over 400 participants now registered! Videos of presenters will be made available online soon through our website. If you have registered, but believe you have not yet received an invite to join the LRLS Canvas site, please start by checking your “spam” folder from the email you registered with. Look for an email sent from “Canvas Free for Teachers” with the subject “Course Invitation.” If you still cannot find it, contact nwili@uoregno.edu and we will resend you a join link.
Self Study Recorded Session
We are happy to be able to offer two options for participation in LRLS! Both allow full access to the activities and presentations.
Recorded self study sessions are for those who are not able to fully commit to the ten live sessions of LRLS. For example, if you have other time commitments midday Pacific time on weekdays, if you would like to be minimally involved in discussions, or if you have a spotty internet connection. The recorded session will be available within a few hours after each live session ends. You will have access to all the pre- and post-presentation materials for the sessions and if there is a follow up discussion you can add to an online discussion forum.
Live Discussion Sessions
We are happy to be able to offer two options for participation in LRLS! Both allow full access to the activities and presentations.
Live discussion sessions are intended for those who can commit to attend all ten (or almost all) sessions 12-1pm Pacific time for the 10 days of LRLS (June 15-19 and 22-26). We expect those who register for this option to: 1) show up almost every day, 2) actively participate in discussions and breakout rooms in Zoom, and 3) complete the associated short pre- and post-tasks. Registration for live sessions is limited in order to guarantee an optimal learning experience, where participants get to know each other. If the live sessions are too large, we may not be able to build a sense of community.
We highly recommend you have a desktop/laptop/tablet if you chose this option. If you plan to join with a phone, we ask that you register for the Self Study Recorded Sessions.
Registration for LRLS is now closed with over 400 participants now registered! If you were not able to register, videos of presenters will be made available online after the end of the LRLS through our website.If you have registered, but believe you have not yet received an invite to join the LRLS Canvas site, please start by checking your “spam” folder from the email you registered with. Look for an email sent from “Canvas Free for Teachers” with the subject “Course Invitation.” If you still cannot find it, contact nwili@uoregno.edu and we will resend you a join link.
See you online!
Registration closed Friday, June 12 at noon PDT.
Daily Schedule
LRLS 2020, Schedule of Presentations
(All talks take place live 12 noon-1pm PDT)
LRLS Week 1
Monday 6/15 |
Modesta Minthorn, Wohlats Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation |
Recognizing Success In Language Revitalization |
At times we become frustrated with the overwhelming task of language revitalization and it becomes easy to believe we are mediocre in our efforts. We must learn and teach ourselves to look beyond our range of vision in order to see and recognize our success in language revitalization of our tribal language. Developing a new outlook can be key to keeping momentum in our work. |
Tuesday 6/16 |
Cheryl Tuttle Yurok/Karuk |
Games: Let’s Have Fun, Enit? |
Learning language through games is a fun way to remember and use language. At Round Valley Unified, we teach Wailaki through a lot of games. Join our presentation and learn some games you can teach and play. |
Wednesday 6/17 |
Carson Viles Che’-me’, Sv-k’wee-che’, chinuk (enrolled at Confed. Tribes of Siletz Indians) |
Exploring Archival Language Materials to Support Revitalization Efforts |
Archival materials are often portrayed as a last resort for critically endangered languages. Native communities are in a unique position to repatriate, reinterpret and revitalize using archival materials. Depending on the goals of the speech community, archival materials can support revitalization in a variety of ways. |
Thursday 6/18 |
Jaeci Hall Chasta Costa |
Archival-based Language Reclamation: Turning Challenges to Advantages |
Archival-based research for language revitalization has unique features that impacts the research, such as focus on community as well as the limitations of the archival materials This presentation discusses these features among others and suggests ways to incorporate and accommodate these features into archival-based research. This information comes from my own experience of learning my language, Nuu-wee-ya’, through linguistic analysis of archival materials. |
Friday 6/19 |
Cheffrey E. Sailto schitsu’umsh [Coeur d’Alene] |
Online Resources for Language Revitalization |
I will be going over a few of the ways that we have worked with outside entities on effective ways to digitize language materials and use them in classrooms or in communities. |
LRLS Week 2
Monday 6/22 |
Twalatin (Gregory) Sutterlict Yakama Nation |
Staying Connected with Language during the Pandemic: Family Language Online |
Different people from different organizations support Ichishkin language in the home for children, families, and community. I will talk about how we collaboratively develop and share Ichishkin materials that could be used in multiple learning contexts. |
Tuesday 6/23 |
Marnie Atkins Wiyot Tribe |
Project Planning & Development |
I will go over some of the key elements of project management, such as Identifying, planning, and developing steps towards a language project goal (e.g., presenting needs to tribal council/tribal citizens, language lesson planning, staying motivated as a language learner). |
Wednesday 6/24 |
Sia Aronica Yakama |
Takeaway Tech: Online Resources You Can Use Now |
I will be presenting a handful of quick access, easy to use programs that are helpful in both the language classroom and for reaching learners from afar. |
Thursday 6/25 |
Abrianna Tubby Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians |
Alla Alhíha Im Áyikkanah – Learning from the Children |
In this talk, I will cover how we make connections between language objectives and student interest. Specifically, I will show how emojis and animal characters have made lessons more interactive and captivating. |
Friday 6/26 |
Jason Lewis Choctaw |
Mapping the Choctaw Curriculum |
Using maps, cultural arts, and iconic characters, we will share how our Choctaw language curriculum emerged from our homeland in Mississippi. We will show how this approach integrates community input, encourages student involvement, and continues to adapt to the needs of teachers and students. |
With support from the National Endowment for the Humanities, NILI is offering the LRLS free of charge.
We would like to acknowledge the following people for helping make the LRLS 2020 workshops happen under difficult circumstances!
Presenters: Jaeci Hall | Carson Viles | Modesta Minthorn, Wohlats | Abrianna Tubby | Cheffrey E. Sailto | Twalatin (Gregory) Sutterlict | Jason Lewis | Sia Aronica | Marnie Atkins | Cheryl Tuttle
Production: Brittany Parham | Jonathan Wright | Keegan Livermore | Robert Elliott
Planning Committee: Marnie Atkins | Jason Lewis | Joana Jansen | Judith Fernandez | Brittany Parham | Janne Underriner
Volunteers: Allison Taylor-Adams | Joliene Adams | Connor Yiamkis | Lindsay Marean | Radine Johnson | Jacob Billy | Racquel Sapién | Brittany Parham | Jonathan Wright | Scott DeLancey| Janne Underriner | Judith Fernandes | Robert Elliott | Jonathan Wright | Stephanie Tabibian | Angel Sobotta | Keli Yerian | Jermayne Tuckta | Beth Piatote | Jorge Rosés Labrada | Joana Jansen