Summer Institute 2014

Image Summer Institute 2014 Group Photo
Summer Institute 2014

NILI Summer Institute 2014

June 23-July 3, 2014

NEW!  NILI Saturday morning class

“Situational fluency and immersion workshop” with Stan Rodriguez:

This hands-on workshop will focus on using immersion and situational
fluency to increase language use outside of the classroom in engaging
and fun ways. Stan is entertaining as a workshop leader. He teaches at
Kumeyaay Community College & is on the board of the Advocates for
Indigenous California Language Survival (AICLS).

At NILI Summer Institute we:

  • Learn how to teach whole language (moving from words to sentences)
  • Have guided teaching opportunities
  • Create needed language materials for your community
  • Learn more about the structure, vocabulary and pronunciation of your language
  • Experience language learning from a student point of view
  • Become more familiar with a variety of teaching practices and methods
  • Speak in your language with your team members and classmates

See below for more detailed information on classes.

Teaching Methods:

Teaching Methods for Native Languages
Instructors: Pyuwa Bommelyn & Keli Yerian

This class is an introduction to language teaching strategies from some of the most common past and present language teaching methods. Most of these strategies were developed for teaching non-indigenous languages, but we will focus on how they are being used or could be used in indigenous communities, with a focus on oral skills. The participants will see some brief videos and demonstrations of the strategies, and discuss how they feel about the strategies and what is useful or less useful about them for indigenous language teaching and learning. They will also identify possible problems with some strategies and discuss how to avoid them.

Applied Teaching Methods:

Applied Teaching Methods for Pre-K-5
Instructors: Ruby Tuttle & Judith Fernandes

Participants will explore different ways of teaching songs, stories and place/culture-based curriculum. We will discuss assessment, immersion teaching, curriculum planning and lesson writing. Daily activities will include: a fun teaching activity, demo-teaching by the instructors of a teaching point, a hands-on activity for the participants that reinforces what was presented in the demo-teaching, and time for participant sharing and teaching.

Applied Teaching Methods for Middle School Youth through Adult
Instructors: Joana Jansen & Racquel Yamada

This class is designed for Native language teachers who work in a classroom context, teaching middle school through adult learners. We will begin with a discussion of the classroom teaching context, and what teaching in this context entails. From there, we will move to classroom planning with a focus on lesson planning, as it is a key to situating each lesson within daily and long term goals for your students. The second segment of the course addresses classroom activities. During the second week of class, we’ll dis cuss assessment of students as well as daily assessment and reflection of your classroom practices. Since successful language revitalization happens beyond the walls of the classroom, our final day will be spent discussing ways that you can extend use of language to homes and communities.

Applied Teaching Methods for Teaching and Learning at Home
Instructors: Zalmai Zahir & Carson Viles

The goal of this course is to teach how to achieve language use in the home.  We are aware that state-of-the-art teaching methods are very effective for language, and provide a wonderful enriching experience for both learner and teacher.  In terms of language revitalization, though, it is essential that language be used in the home.  This course will explore guidelines to getting language spoken in the home.


Introduction to Linguistics
Instructor: Janne Underriner

This class will help you discover more about the patterns and structure of your language. It will also help you with learning your language whether you are a language learner or language teacher. We will start by looking at the sound systems of your languages and how sounds have a pattern. We will practice pronunciation daily. We will look at how words are structured; this will lead us into discussing parts of speech in your language (and in English). We will talk some about meaning and also touch on issues of translation. Finally, we will look at how words are ordered, or not, to make sentences.

Intermediate Linguistics
Instructor: Joana Jansen

This course is intended for students who have taken the introductory linguistics class at NILI or have a similar background in linguistics. The emphasis will be on using scholarly materials (grammars, dictionaries, texts) prepared by linguists to help you understand your language and how to teach it. The class will be useful to anyone who is learning a language and trying to improve their skills and knowledge. The practice we will get in analyzing the words of a language and understanding how a grammar works will also be useful to anyone trying to write curriculum or materials for a language class.

Introduction to Ichishkíin Linguistics
Instructor: Greggory Sutterlict

This class is designed for people working with the Ichishkíin language, with a focus on how knowing more about the patterns and structure of your language will help you as a language learner or language teacher.  Using materials from your language class, we first look at the sound systems of Ichishkíin, and how to pronounce particular sounds.  We will then look at words and how words are formed, and finally how words are put together to make sentences.

Materials Development:

Materials production in the 21st century classroom usually includes the use of computers, yet computers and programs are changing at an ever increasing pace. The goal of the NILI Materials Development course is thus not to teach participants to specifically use any one program or tool, but rather to improve their ability to problem solve and to increase their creativity using a computer. This year, we will have two project driven materials courses to choose from: creating a website, or developing an interactive eBook. Both courses will integrate a variety of 21st century multimedia authoring skills useful for language teachers, such as video capture, image manipulation, design layout and content creation, as we create a common project.

Language Courses:

Chinuk Wawa



Instructor: Zalmai Zahir

Northern Pauite

Tolowa Dee-ni’
Instructor: Pyuwa Bommelyn

Language Activism Seminar:

Community language conferences and gatherings
Instructor: Michelle Jacobs, Marnie Atkins

In this class, we will apply our skills as language learners, teachers, and activists. Students will consider what a successful grassroots indigenous language conference or gathering would look like in one’s home community. Guest speakers will talk about their experiences hosting language events. At the end of the course, students will apply this knowledge within the language work that they do in their home communities by creating a plan to collaborate and organize a community language conference or gathering.

Youth Program:

Background: In a pilot project, language students at Nixyaawii and Willamina High Schools have been working throughout the year with NILI and their Native language teachers. They have been developing language materials with technology applications for their own use and for immersion preschoolers in their communities. Instruction from NILI and Robert Elliott has been taking place through online technology, and on-site visits. These youth now have the opportunity to attend NILI’s 2014 Summer Institute, June 23-July 3rd, at the University of Oregon, through the generosity of Wildhorse Foundation, Spirit Mountain Community Fund and Sociological Initiatives Foundation.

Youth Language Leadership Class

High school students will study language, linguistics and teaching methods, and will design and create activities to support preschool learners. Guest speakers (UO faculty and Native students) will present information and experiences introducing participants to college life and creating a bridge to higher education. Students will be mentored in project brainstorming, planning, linguistic guidance, pedagogy, evaluation, tool support, and product delivery. A special weekend workshop focuses on using language throughout the community. Youth will gain skills in language learning, take on leadership roles in language preservation and teaching while demonstrating a commitment to the Tribe’s values and traditions, become more technologically literate and learn to manage their own projects, while contributing to language revitalization within their communities.

Weekend Workshop:

Title: Games Workshop
Instructor: Stan Rodriguez

This hands-on workshop will focus on using immersion and situational fluency to increase language use outside of the classroom in engaging and fun ways. Stan is entertaining as a workshop leader. He teaches at Kumeyaay Community College & is on the board of the Advocates for Indigenous California Language Survival (AICLS).

Cost for workshop: $100 per participant.

The fee includes Friday dinner, morning coffee, and snacks.

Note: For NILI Summer Institute participants, workshop attendance is included in Institute tuition, and attendance at the workshop is required.

NILI Summer Institute Costs for 2014

  • Tuition: $1,800
  • On Campus Housing (optional):
    • Single room: $726 (check in 6/22 – check out 7/3)
    • Double (shared) room: $594 (check in 6/22 – check out 7/3)

Limited scholarships were made available available. Scholarship information is below.If you have questions or need further information, please email us.


Scholarship support generously provided by the UO Office of Institutional Equity and Inclusion, the UO Office of Research, Innovation, and Graduate Education, the John and Robin Jaqua Fund of the The Oregon Community Foundation, the Taylor Fithian Family Fund,  and Dr. Virginia Beavert. All scholarships for 2014 have been awarded.Scholarships are now closed for 2014.

If you have questions or need further information, please email us.