Funding Agencies

This section is a sampling of NILI’s work, categorized by funding agencies. Some of these projects and awards, such as those listed under Administration for Native Americans, have come to NILI though our Tribal and community partnerships.

Click on a funding agency to see projects.

2015-2018. The Grand Ronde Chinuk Wawa Kindergarten-Third Grade Immersion Project. The Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde.

2015-2017. Numlh-ts’vt’ Tr’vn’ Naa-tr’aa-’a (Turning the Tide Towards Fluency). Tolowa Dee-ni’ Nation.

2014-2017. Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs: Creating Ichishkiin Speakers. Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs.

2014-2017. Alaska Native Heritage Center Assessment Training (Urban Eskimo Language Revitalization Grant). Alaska Native Heritage Center.

2011-2014. The Grand Ronde Chinuk Wawa Kindergarten-First Grade Immersion Project. The Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde.

2011-2014. Chahta Anno̱pa Isht A̱ya. Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians.

2010-2013. Dee-ni’ Wee-ya’ Xwee-nish, Tolowa Dee-ni’ Nation (formerly Smith River Rancheria).

2008-2011. Ichishkíin Sinwit Project.Administration for Native Americans. Yakama Nation.

2008-2011. Grand Ronde chinuk wawa Category IV Immersion Project. The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde.

2008-2009. Dry Creek Rancheria Pomo Language Preservation and Restoration Project. Dry Creek Rancheria.

2007. Chinuk wawa School Capacity Building Project. The Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde. 2007. Grand Ronde Elementary Immersion Curriculum Project. Spirit Mountain Community Fund.

2005-2008. Wiyat’ish Naknuwit “for the future” Master Apprentice Project. Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation.

2005-2006. Taa-laa-wa Dee-ni’ Wee-ya’ Preservation Planning and Assessment project. Tolowa Dee-ni’ Nation (formerly Smith River Rancheria).

2016. SWOAL Tututni (tuu), Coquille (coq) and Galice (gce) Lexical Database: Creating a Southwest Oregon Athabaskan Languages (SWOAL). DEL.

2015. Documenting Warm Springs (tqn) Ichishkíin. DEL.

2011. Ichishkíin/Sahaptin (yak): Language Documentation of Natural and Cultural Resources. DEL.

2010. InField. (2010 InField and SILS held at the University of Oregon).

2009. The Tolowa (TOL) Athabaskan Lexicon and Text Collection Project: Recording the Last Speakers of the Tolowa Dee-ni’ Language. DEL.

2009. Sahaptian and the Evolution of Hierarchical Systems. Funded as part of a EuroBABEL (European Science Foundation) Collaborative Research Project: Referential Hierarchies in Morphosyntax (RHIM). DEL.

2012. Ichishkíin Culture and Language as Protective Factors: A Foundation of Wellness.

2018. Warm Springs Literacy: Warm Springs Storybook Project.

2013. Patàwat’wisha: Together We Stand in the Front of Everyone, Youth Become Language Teachers.

2014. Language and Culture as Protective Factors to Drug and Alcohol use in Native Youth.

2017-2018. Native Language Community Storybook Project.

2017.  Place-based Curriculum Pilot for K-5.

2013. khanumakwst nsayka chxi tilixam wawa: Our youth talk together.

2009-2010. Cedar Basketry: The Traditions of our Ancestors and Community.

2008-2009. Basketry: Place, Community and Voices – Intergenerational Learning through Place-based Curriculum.

2007-2008. Identity through Learning: Place-Based Curriculum for Grades 1-4.  

2005. On-site Native language teacher training curriculum and Native language assessment.

2013. Patàwat’wisha:Together We Stand in the Front of Everyone, Youth Become Language Teachers.

2010. Technology Support to Teach and Preserve Northwest Native Languages.

2018-2021. National Breath of Life 2.0: ‘Creating a Second Breath’ for Indigenous Language Revitalization Programs.  Myami Center, Miami University

2018-2019. Anakú Iwachá (The Way It Was): A new edition of Yakama legends and stories.

2014. Native Language-Arts Apprenticeship Program, Oregon Folklife Network.

2017-2018. Carrying Our Languages Forward: Youth Leadership.

2013-2014. Patàwat’wisha: Together we stand in front of everyone, youth become language teachers.

2003. The Grand Ronde Youth Science and Math Project, Indian Education Demonstration Grant, with the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde.

2014. chaku-kəmtəks pi hayu-kəmtəks (to learn and be in the process of learning) Southern Willamette Valley Project, in partnership with Lane Educational Service District.

2016-2017. Linguistic Sustainability in Northern Sichuan China: Video and Materials Development for Khroskyabs. Smithsonian Institution.

2014-2017. The Role of Native Language and Culture (NLC) in Decreasing Discipline Problems and Increasing Academic Achievement for American Indian and Alaska Native Ss, collaboration with the Institute of Violence and Destructive Behavior, University of Oregon. Funded by the Institute of Education Sciences, US Department of Education.

2014. Facilitation, strategic planning for Advocates for Indigenous California Language Survival. Berkeley, California.

2012-2013. The Miccosukee Indian School: MLA Technical Assistance Tasks for 2012-2013 School Year. The Miccosukee Tribe of Florida.

2011-2014. Takelma Language Restoration Project. Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians.

2011. Strategic planning for Karuk Language Restoration Committee and Karuk Tribal Language Program.

2011. Nimiipuu Language Teaching and Family Learning Workshop for the Nez Perce Tribe Language Program.

2010. Chinuk Wawa 201-203 Mentoring and Curriculum Development Project. Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde .

2010. Chinuk Wawa Teachers’ Resource Dictionary Project. Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde.

2008-present. Ichishkíin 101-103, 201-203 Curriculum. University of Oregon.

2006-present. Chinuk Wawa 101-103, 201-203 Curriculum. Lane Community College.

2006-2008. Palátisha Miyánashma Project. Toppenish School District.



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